Access Jamaica
Business Centers and Incubators provide entrepreneurs with the training, tools and support they need until they are able to survive on their own.
Find Company Registration, Trademark, Registrar of Birth, Marriage and Death and other such agencies whose documents you need to run a legal business in Jamaica.
Here is a list of Chamber of Commerce in Jamaica.
Here is a list of Public Educational Institutions, Speakers, Lecturers and Presenters in Jamaica.
eLearning ServicesPublic InstitutionSpeakers - Presenters
Here is a list of banks, grant agencies and other financial institutions that provide funding for entrepreneurs.
Lawyers, legal services and other legal consultants in Jamaica.
MLM is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit.
Kingston, St. Andrew, Jamaica
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The Bank of Jamaica, established by the Bank of Jamaica Law (1960), began operations in May 1961, terminating the Currency Board System which had been in existence from 1939. The establishment of the Central Bank was in recognition of the need for an appropriately regulated financial structure to encourage the development process, particularly as Jamaica was about to embark on the road to political independence.


Stech Start Online Business Tools

Kingston 10, St. Andrew, Jamaica
876-519 9928
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Techstart is a free online tech startup directory service and a business support platform that provides subsidized development and productivity tools to help fast track technology-driven concepts to startup and prototype status.

Submit your startup to our free directory. Access any of our premium startup support services. Use our bundled software development suites to jumpstart your concept. We also submit your profile to over 100 startup directories, review sites, funding agencies, and communities to exhibit your Jamaican based tech startup. Create brand awareness, build backlinks, and rank better.

Kingston, Kingston 5, Jamaica
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The American Chamber of Commerce of Jamaica was established in May, 1986, in Kingston, under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America (COCUSA) and the Association of American Chambers of Commerce of Latin America and the Caribbean (AACCLA).

AMCHAM - Jamaica's Aims & Objectives

  • To promote trade opportunities between Jamaica, the United States, the region and the world
  • To promote Jamaican exports
  • To provide Jamaican and American business people with a forum to advocate public policies that will enhance the business climate between the two countries
  • To maintain a climate of cordiality between the public and private sectors of both countries, and to promote greater understanding between their people.

The Innovators



Yaneek Page is a pioneer in litigant funding and enterprise risk management training in Jamaica. She is the 32 year old founder and managing director of Future Services International Limited (FSIL), a company which has the distinction of being the first in Jamaica to offer comprehensive litigant support services, including the funding of civil lawsuits. 

Gary C. Matalon is co-founder and Director of Neustone Ltd, a project management firm specializing in construction and development, founded in 2006. In addition, Gary is co-founder, Director and CEO of the Kingston Live Entertainment Group, established 2008.

Kingston 5, St. Andrew, Jamaica
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Over the years JSIF has been creating and developing partnerships with other organizations. The establishment of partnerships is a crucial factor for fulfilling JSIF's mandate of poverty alleviation.

By joining forces strategically with key partners, the Fund ensures that there is a reduction in the duplication of efforts and allows for a more streamlined utilization of scarce resources.

Kingston 5, St. Andrew, Jamaica
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The Small Business Association Of Jamaica 

The Small Businesses Association of Jamaica (SBAJ) is an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) business organization registered in 1974 to foster the growth and development of businesses and professional groups and to represent the entire small and micro business sector. The SBAJ represents businesses employing One to Fifty (1-50) employees and has an income turn over not exceeding five million US dollars per annum ($US5M). The business should not be a part of a conglomerate.

Mission Statement:

To support the economic and social advancement of the membership through: The provision of technical advice, training, consultancy and trade services. The promotion of the principles of private enterprise and innovation. The association will also represent the views of the membership to the wider public, encourage the spirit of collaboration and cooperation and build positive examples of enthusiasm, dedication, consultancy and leadership.